The cast of Joy: Dances for Midwinter with board member Clarence Brooks (top left)

2024 in Pictures

2024 was a year of creative expansion. We presented new works by company members, reimagined and revived formerly “lost” Sokolow works, collaborated with old friends, and expanded our ranks to add choreography by Charles Weidman and Claudia Gitelman to a joyous winter program.

1/26 — Anna Sokolow & The Reimagined Roots of Anti-Fascism

A lecture/performance at the Library of Congress, featuring a reimagination of Slaughter of the Innocents, choreographed by Artistic Director Samantha Géracht based on photographs of Anna Sokolow by Barbara Morgan; and Ballad in a Popular Style, choreographed by Samantha Géracht and Associate Artistic Director Eleanor Bunker, based on Anna Sokolow’s 1982 As I Remember: Ballad in a Popular Style, both to the newly discovered original scores by Alex North. (Photos: Lakey Evans-Pena)

4/30 — Close Quarters II — at The Slipper Room

The Sokolow Theatre/Dance Ensemble teamed up with The Bang Group (David Parker and Jeffrey Kazin, artistic directors) for volume II of Close Quarters, a revue of works by Anna Sokolow and by David Parker in the intimate caberet space of The Slipper Room. (Photos: Theik Smith)

12/12 & 13 — JOY: Dances for Midwinter

At the Stone Circle Theatre in Riverside (Queens), NY. Dances by Anna Sokolow, Charles Weidman, Claudia Gitelman, and a premiere by company members Margaret Mighty Oak Brackey and Krista Jensen. (Performance photos: Jaqlin Medlock)